The Myths About Hypnosis
Hypnosis has been known to humanity for thousands of years. Historically, the practice of altering one’s consciousness has been carried out by shamans, wiccans, spirit mediums, and spiritual doctors, for various reasons. Ancient civilizations of Egypt and Greece recorded that the fastest way to get in touch with the spiritual realm is through rituals that are similar to what are now called hypnosis, meditation, and visualization..
Experiences common to deep sleep, anesthesia, and the power of the unconscious have been noted in different religious documents, such as in the Old Testament of Christianity and in the Talmud of Judaism.
Some accounts even say that many women were accused as witches and thus burned at the stake because of their practice of “cutting up” women’s bellies during difficult labor in order to help the child get out of the womb. It was said the mothers felt relatively no pain during the “operation” and the babies were delivered successfully with the midwives using only herbs and oils while uttering a comforting, soothing chant. This practice, many believed, is one of the earliest known practices of what is now called delivery through Caesarean operation with the aid of hypnosis.

“Hypnosis” comes from the name of the Greek God, Hypnos, which means, “sleep.” However, hypnosis is not sleeping. Furthermore, hypnosis is not scary, it is not related to the occult, nor is it from the devil. It is simply a fo- cusing of the attention and a deep state of relaxation. It is impossible to focus on any one thing for any length of time without going into a hypnotic state. Hypnosis is a natural human function that we all use every day whether we realize it or not. If you’ve ever missed your exit while driving because you were deep in thought, or not remembered the drive from one place to another (hypnotic amnesia), then you were in a state of hypnosis or trance. Have you ever been watching a TV program and someone walked into the room that you didn’t notice? That’s hypnosis. The fact is, we all enter hypnosis many times each day as well as when falling asleep (hypnogogic) and waking up (hypnopompic).
Hypnosis has been called, “controlled day dreaming” because that is exactly what it is like. It is simply an altered-state of consciousness that is also called a “trance.” Hypnosis is all about your control over you; it is not about someone else’s control over you. Because of this, all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. Contrary to popular belief, you cannot hypnotize someone and then have them rob a bank, do something illegal, or hypnotize them into having sex. A person under hypnosis will not do anything that is outside his or her own moral code.
Brief History of Hypnosis

Hypnotizing children has been found to be remarkably effective compared to adults, mainly due to their vivid imaginations and susceptibility to suggestion. As a professional in this field, I specialize in assisting children who struggle academically or face challenges at home. Additionally, I provide support to children who have experienced traumatic events. By harnessing the power of hypnosis, I can help these young individuals overcome their obstacles and enhance their overall well-being. Through a combination of gentle guidance and visualization techniques, I create a safe and nurturing environment where children can explore their thoughts and emotions. Together, we work towards building resilience, improving academic performance, and fostering a positive mindset. With each session, I aim to empower children to unlock their full potential and lead fulfilling lives.
Hypnosis With Children
Is Hypnosis safe? Yes, hypnosis is considered safe. Numerous studies have shown that hypnosis can be highly effective in treating various conditions and helping individuals overcome challenges. It is a therapeutic technique that involves guiding an individual into a state of deep relaxation and heightened focus, allowing them to be more open to positive suggestions and making behavioral changes. Hypnosis is often used to address issues such as anxiety, phobias, smoking cessation, and weight management. It is a non-invasive and drug-free approach, making it a safe alternative for many individuals. However, it is important to note that hypnosis should always be conducted by a trained and licensed professional to ensure its effectiveness.
Yes, you will generally need more than one session with a hypnotist to solve your problem. Most people see noticeable results after just a few sessions, but it will almost always take more than one session for you to see any kind of noticeable results. This being said, hypnosis is still far more effective than psychotherapy.
In 1970, Alfred A. Barrios, PhD, published an article entitled, Hypnotherapy: A Reappraisal. This article was a survey of psychotherapy literature and revealed the following recovery rates:
Psychoanalysis: 38% recovery after 600 sessions
Behavior Therapy: 72% recovery after 22 sessions
Hypnosis: 93% Recovery after 6 sessions
Will I Need More Than One Hypnosis Session
Together, let us create a brighter future for our children, where they can grow into confident, compassionate, and successful adults.

The Common Uses of Hypnosis
Common Uses of Hypnosis
Overcoming Fears
.: Closed-in Places .: Public Places
.: Heights (bridges) .: Flying
.: Water .: Snakes .: Dogs .: Men
.: Women
.: Fear of Success/Failure .: Public Speaking
.: Other Fears
Sales & Professional Growth
.: Attracting Success
.: Attracting Money
.: Sales Success
.: Work-Life Balance
.: Enhanced Communication .: Professional Success
.: Enhanced Leadership
.: Becoming a Master Motivator .: Public Speaking
.: Sales Call Reluctance
.: Avoidance Behavior
.: Enhanced Performance .: Enhanced Athletic Ability .: Focus & Concentration
Paranormal / Metaphysical
.: Developing Psychic Ability .: Alien Abduction Regressions .: Past-Life Regressions
.: Age Regressions
Personal Growth
.: Reducing Stress .: Self-Esteem
.: Self-Confidence .: Attraction
.: Empowerment
.: Healthy Boundaries
.: Overcoming Codependence .: Memory
.: Discouragement
.: Positive thinking
.: Study Skills
.: Stop Worrying
.: Procrastinating
.: Nail Biting
.: Positive Thinking
.: Cravings
.: Focus & Concentration
.: Motivation
.: Behavior
.: Losing Weight
.: Stop Smoking
.: Motivation to Exercise .: Healthy Eating Habits .: Mind, Body, & Soul
.: Sleeplessness
Relationships & Sexuality
.: Attracting Your Soul Mate .: Improved Relationships
.: Attracting Men
.: Attracting Women
.: Enhanced Sexuality
.: Enhanced Communication .: Self-Confidence
.: Ending a Relationship
.: Addictive Relationships
Dr. LaConda Davies Goree